Thursday, January 29, 2015

Experimenting With Editing Still Images

My first time using editing software on the still images. To avoid rolling batteries, I used Lego blocks that do not roll away after being moved. Lets hope the video quality is much better. The one on top was with editing software and the one below was with Dragonframe. I cannot even tell if there is any differences other than the timing.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Cardio Experiment

I am going to be playing for a church basketball team. So I decided to get my body ready instead of practicing shooting and dibbling. For six days now, I have done at least 30 minutes of cardio. I applause people that enjoy training alone. I hope the result will be worth the work I put into this. It's hard to manage time for cardio exercise along with work, social, and strength training. Luckily, I only do strength training three days a week.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Battery Mayhem

The future is here. Now we have batteries drive like cars. I already see that I should have plan out the timing better. My eyes can barely follow the movement. So much work that I am not willing to throw away this video. I realize now that I should have taken my time and move them very slowly. Also, never use batteries again. They want to roll away after being moved. Enjoy my two batteries driving mayhem.

Update: I did not have toy cars and was not willing to buy some. So I used batteries that I had laying around.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Bouncing Coin

Wow, this turn out way better than I thought. I agree with the book called Stop Motion Craft Skills for Model Animation. Animating walking is not recommended for a new inspiring animator. I felt weird even using a coin to bounce. I was not putting a lot of faith in how I was moving the coin. After watching the coin bounce on video, I was so ecstatic. Wow, I want to start the next exercise in the book. Till then, enjoy the bouncing coin.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Stop-Motion Exercise

I now have a book teaching me about stop-motion animation. I just did the first exercise. I made three attempts at it. I notice I was moving the box. By the third time, I was still not satisfied with how it turned out. Since I have been long time not posting anything on my blog, I will post this video. The video shows a coin moving across the box. A strange way to start off the new year of 2015. Enjoy.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Pumpkin Carving

I got to carve a pumpkin. Always a pleasure to draw out my artistic side of me. I didn't draw any lines to assist me in carving this.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Tic Tac Toe Game

I decide to program a Tic Tac Toe game. I want to practice the AI aspect. As you can see below, the game is still very raw. The controls are a numpad numbering 1-9. There is no way to reset after the game is over. Only way to quit is to click on the red x at the top right of the window. It was a fun little project.